Rome was the predominant power at the time of Christ. The Empire stretched form England to north Africa to the western edge of Asia and most of in between.

The current St Peter's replaced a much older structure with construction starting in the early 1500s. In the over 100 years it took to construct, it had many architects and many variations. Michelangelo was the main contributor to the design, with only the extension of the east end into a long nave being the only modification. The large square directly in front of the entrance was surrounded by a colonnade designed by Bernini in the mid 1600s.

Jumping back to the Roman Empire times, the Roman Forum is a collection of ruins from various temples. The Colosseum is adjacent along with the Trajan Markets. All are feats of constructions and are testaments to the engineering skills of the Romans. Sheer gravity is all that hold the Colosseum up, there is no mortar in its joints.
Modern Rome offers a wonderful array of places to dine. Of course Italian is the predominate cuisine. The various regions of Italy provide a wide variety of menu options with different shapes of pasta and sauces. The section of Trastevere is a great place to wander, window shop and eat. Rome also has a lively gay scene with most of it located near the main train terminal. just bring your Damron Guide.
To get to Rome, call an agent at Damron Vacations. With over 25 years in the travel business, the agents have a vast knowledge of the city. So is ancient wonders, delicious food and even tastier men sounds like a dream vacation, Damron Vacations can make it all come true.
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